Johannes Czwalina
German theologian, author and business consultant, mediator for strengthening leadership in politics and business.
After having studied Archaeology in Jerusalem and Theology in Basel, Johannes Czwalina was working as large city pastor for 10 years. Significantly, he was involved in the setup of various notable facilities both social and public, which have been helpful for many people.
In 1993, Johannes Czwalina founded the Czwalina Consulting AG, an institute whose focus lies in national and international management consulting tasks supported by a team of specialists. Czwalina’s vast coaching and consulting experiences condensed in diverse publications, such as Wenn ich noch mal anfangen koennte – If I could start again or Karriere ohne Reue – Career without regret.
Books in Ukrainian: In 2016, the Dukh i Litera Publishing released his book Das Schweigen redet in Ukrainian.