Literary laboratoryLaboratories

Literary laboratory

Literary Laboratory is one of the directions of Mystetskyi Arsenal along with exhibition and festival projects, educational events.

LitLab’s Mission is to create a unique environment for writers, critics, translators, book designers, publishing and cultural managers, who are able to generate public projects based on certain common values and understanding of the arts.

Our activities are aimed at promoting integration, self-development and increasing the professional level of the participants, improving product quality requirements both on the publishing market and in the area of contemporary literary process.

How we want to achieve it? Foremost, we will be systematically offering to the creative environment, workshop community and a wide range of interested readers the following:

  • public professional discussions on modern trends in literature and book publishing;
  • pre-premieres of books that haven’t been published yet in a narrow circle of fellow writers, critics, and journalists;
  • workshop for translators;
  • events for high school teachers;
  • opportunities for younger authors to communicate with experienced successful colleagues;
  • meetings with experts from the publishing industry.
