All TogetherEducational

All Together

Sep. 20 – Sep. 22

The festival for kids and teens All Together is a project about learning of various experiences and the diversity of people through interaction, search, play and free choice. Every year at the Mystetskyi Arsenal, the festival brings together representatives of the organizations from different regions of Ukraine that conduct educational activities in the field of culture and creative industries, as well as STEM schools, social initiatives and NGOs, schools and creative studios. For three days, culture and science, art and technology, heritage and innovation create a common educational space accessible and interesting for everyone, regardless of age or needs. This is the space where you can create and collaborate, explore and fool around, choose and not be afraid of making mistakes, discover the new. Where you can be different and be together.
The festival for kids and teens All Together is a project of the Mystetskyi Arsenal, that has been taking place since 2020. In 2024, it will be constructed as follows:

  • a set of stands where every day for eight hours participants will be offering their educational game programs;
  • interactive art projects;
  • master classes, stage performances, movie shows;
  • game routes that will unite different participants;
  • separate educational and play areas.

All Together is also about an inclusive approach to organizing the festival, whose important task is to create a safe, barrier-free educational space where every kid will feel like belonging.
The open call for the festival participants lasts till August 2. The program will be announced in early September 2024.

See you at the All Together festival!