Oksana ShchurBook Arsenal

Oksana Shchur

Сurator of the International Program

Curator of the Literary Laboratory at the Mystetskyi Arsenal, literary critic.

Previously Oksana Shchur worked as the editor-in-chief at the Osnovy Publishing House and the Komora Publishing House. In 2017, she curated the program of the Ukrainian national stand at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

She joined the Book Arsenal team in 2018 as a Curator of the Ukrainian Program, and since 2019 she has been curating the Festival’s International Program.

‘The international component of the Book Arsenal is expanding the boundaries of the Festival. The Arsenal stone walls become just as nominal as language barriers when it comes to people coming here with performances and projects. Some of them already have translations into Ukrainian, some of them are being discovered by us for the first time, and there are those who use the language of arts other than literature. The atmosphere in which we find ourselves together with our foreign guests, the events during which they talk about important issues, create a special festival discourse—not only of a carnival but also of an intellectual feast.’