Lost Time — Exhibition of Contemporary Lithuanian PhotographyLaboratories

Lost Time — Exhibition of Contemporary Lithuanian Photography

As part of the Month of Lithuanian Photography in Kyiv, the Laboratory of Contemporary Art Mala Gallery will present the Lost Time exhibition, curated by Darius Vaichekauskas.

With the development of technology, means of reflection and transmission of reality, photography moves away from a purely technical function and into a sphere of post-photography. Consequently, photography becomes a source of philosophical meanings and interpretations. Post-photography is characterized by constant manipulation of the image (editing, drawing, deconstruction). It forces us to reconsider the phenomenon of "photography," which has virtually ceased to exist as a "real-time referent."

The group exhibition of contemporary Lithuanian photography shows several approaches and interpretations of the post-photography subject. Aurelia Maknite, Darius Vaichekauskas, Vytautas Kumža, Valentin Odnovjun, Deauville Dagene, and Juozapas Kalnius explore completely different photographic strategies.

Vytautas Kumža focuses on the first stage of photo development, which he finds much more interesting than rendering or post-processing images. Valentin Odnovjun, in his Process series, shows photographs of discarded photo paper pieces found in the photo laboratory at the Patarei prison in Tallinn, Estonia. Deauville Dagene presents photographs that give the impression of a witness of place and time. However, they are filled with memory. Juozapas Kalnius uses the technique of shooting without a camera to display the shadows of household objects on folded silver-gelatin paper. In the Deconstruction series, Darius Vaichekauskas, in the title of each work, refers to the author of the original work (photograph, book, photo album), used for a visual collage. And in the Burning Slides series by Aurelia Maknite, images from other people's archives are being transformed impacted by flame. Nature, cityscapes, memory are being changed into abstractness.

Curator: Darius Vaichekauskas

The exhibition will run from September 25 to October 25

Gallery opening hours: Tuesday—Sunday, 12:00-20:00. Closed on Mondays.

Due to the adaptive quarantine continuation in Ukraine, we ask you to follow the rules and recommendations for your safety! Please be sure to wear a face mask or respirator while in the gallery or at Mystetskyi Arsenal.
