From the series A resistência do corpo / Resistance of a bodyExhibitions

From the series A resistência do corpo / Resistance of a body


From the series A resistência do corpo / Resistance of a body


Letícia Ramos (BR)

Date of creation


Courtesy of

Mendes Wood DM, São Paulo, Brussels, New York and the artist


fine art print



In A resistência do corpo Letícia Ramos simulates a controlled environment to test the reaction of bodies to what happens during street demonstrations. The work refers to the developments of the Industrial Revolution, when photographs and chronocyclegraphs were used to research the movement of workers, in order to expand their productive capacity. Following the same process, Ramos carried out numerous tests. How much can a body resist in street demonstrations? Who is interested in these visual representations of impacts? She uses mannequins and test dummies that are frequently used by vehicle manufacturers to study the effects of a high velocity impact in industry to avoid harming real people, mainly in situations of extreme risk. Even though the availability of these images can increase our sense of security, they can also have the opposite effect, diminishing our perception of the risks to which we are subjected. 

Мистецький Арсенал
вул. Лаврська, 10-12
Київ, Київська область 01010