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Press office

Welcome to Mystetskyi arsenal Press office. We provide journalists with information on the Mystetskyi arsenal activities such as exhibitions and events and organize photo/video shooting and interviewing.

Press office work shedule

Monday – Friday: 10:00 – 18:00

  1. How to obtain a press acreedetation to Mystetskyi arsenal events?

    We invite media representatives to the opening of exhibitions, festivals and other events. To obtain accreditation you will have to fill in an electronic form.  You can find the accreditation announcements, as well as press releases, on the News Page. Accreditation for press events will be confirmed by e-mail. The Press office reserves the right to refuse accreditation requests.

    Journalists can visit Mystetskyi arsenal free of charge during the working hours with a valid press ID.

  2. How can I obtain photos/videos of exhibition? Terms and Conditions for their use

    We try our best to add images to all events. You can find them on the individual event pages. Non-commercial images re-use is authorized, provided the source and author are acknowledged.

    To get high resolution images for publications in a magazine, newspaper, or website please contact

  3. How can I obtain permission to film or photograph at  Mystetskyi arsenal?

    If you want to take photo or video during exhibitions and other events of Mystetskyi arsenal,  please contact

    To request a permission for shooting commercials, movies, etc. please contact

  4. How to subscribe to press releases?

    To receive the latest news from Mystetskyi arsenal, email the press office at