


Catalogue compiled by

Jerzy Onuch


Yulia Vaganova, Jerzy Onuch, Gwendolyn Sasse


Henyk Beliakov, Christina Kuzmych, Stanislav Menzelevskyi, Andrij Kudla Wynnytskyj

Design and layout

Alla Sorochan

Cover photo

Max Gorbatskyi

Print coordination

Anna Zatelepa

Mystetskyi Arsenal and Centre for East European and International Studies (Zentrum für Osteuropa und internationale Studien, ZOiS, Berlin) present the Obabich exhibition.

Curator of the project Jerzy Onuch and photographers Viktor Marushchenko and Mark Neville offer us to look at the place and borders of the imaginary or physical neighbourship between people. They record and interpret as the newest Ukrainian history, starting with the incredibly expressive Donbas images of Marushchenko, created more than 15 years ago, as well as the reality of today.

Public Enteptise “NACMC ‘Mystetskyi Arsenal’”. Kyiv, 2019

CAtalogue published with financial support of Centre for East European and International Studies (Zentrum für Osteuropa und internationale Studien, ZOiS, Berlin)

Printed at the Kolo Private Enterprise
8 Boryslavska Str., Drohobych, Lviv Region, 82100
Testimony of the subject of publishing #498 from 20/06/2001

Мистецький Арсенал
вул. Лаврська, 10-12
Київ, Київська область 01010