Strike PosterExhibitions


Strike Poster

The Strike Poster page appeared on Facebook on the 1st of December for a very utilitarian purpose—it was possible to download a poster for a rally there. Artists and graphic designers responded extremely quickly to all events that took place not only in Kyiv, but also in the regions and actually became a visual “voice” of Maidan. Simple, well-aimed and ironic posters began to spread on the internet quickly and fill the Kyiv public space, because any poster could be downloaded in good quality and printed out at home or in the office.

For some time after the end of the Maidan revolution, the page remained active, for example, you can find posters about military actions in the East or the annexation of Crimea there.

Мистецький Арсенал
вул. Лаврська, 10-12
Київ, Київська область 01010